Christmas 2024

Wow, what a year! Finally moved to Colorado. We are settled in Pueblo West.
January – At the house in Westminster, Torey came to visit after Christmas and through the New Year! Lisa & Torey also walked in the “Run In The New Year 5K.” Amazing that Lisa can do these walks. We did a great job too.
Peter was waiting to see if the leg was good or bad. Verdict: Bad. We were planning to build a house on property south of Pueblo. Not in the cards with my bad leg. We still wanted to move out of California. So, we did what everyone does, we bought a house sight unseen. The push for packing is moved into high gear…
February – Lisa walked in “The Heart Run 5K.” Yet another 5K. Still amazing. Lisa went to visit friends and relatives in Northern California before the move to Colorado. She did not have time to see everyone but then returns home and the packing continues.
March – POD Containers arrive and the loading begins. These things are pretty cool. You order basically a big box. It gets dropped off at your house. You cram in as much stuff as possible and the company comes to pick it up later.
THANK YOU to David, Rebecca, Kai, Don, Connie and Jeanne for helping us packing up the furniture, pack up the garage and a fun Tetris challenge of loading the pods…
Lisa’s last day as employee at Thyssenkrupp Materials NA. She enjoyed her time with them. We could not work out a deal for remote work so their loss.
Escrow closed on new Home and we still have not seen it. Our next adventure to begin!
April – Peter goes to San Antonio for the annual Evisions’ Conference. He returns home to drive to Colorado. He took a couple of weeks off to get to Colorado and help settling the house. The move was a caravan of vehicles. The POD people had the POD boxes in Colorado by the time we left California. So, we had a 17-foot moving van, a suburban, let’s not forget the trailered 2 Audi’s and our little SUV packed to the gills. Torey had come down to help finish packing and drive to Colorado. We picked up Lisa’s Mom on the way and off we went. We were able to catch up with Dave Harrell for lunch in Verde Valley, Arizona.
It took us a few of days and a lot of gas but we made it. Peter was most impressed with Mom doing truck camping along the trip. She only set off the car alarm a couple of times 😊
Torey stayed with us a few days in Colorado to help unpack and Lisa’s Mom volunteered to help us unpack and she stayed for a few weeks. Thank you also for the additional help to our extended Colorado family – Marian, John, Dee, Derek, Eric, and Catrina the POD boxes were unpacked in a few hours. Amazing to watch.
Mom, Torey and I were able to catch up with Peter’s Sister Chris and Niece Liz near the Denver Airport before Torey flew back to California too!

May – Peter returns to work and Mom returned home. Loved our time together and oh so appreciate the help! I continued to unpack and move things around the house. So thankful for continuing the Boot Camp Workouts, thank you Stacy for the continued encouragement. The beauty of Fiber optics. Not something I could get in California but we have fiber to home and my office in Colorado. Very nice.
June – Lisa started a Temp job at City of Pueblo at the Tax department. Can you see Lisa patrolling farmer’s markets with a club shaking down folks selling vegetables? It wasn’t like that, but the image is great.
Lisa & Peter did the first 5K in Pueblo. Yea! She did not push me into the river, of which I am thankful. I had to use a wheelchair, which sucked. We finished and we were not last. It was a fun event in a nice area along the Arkansas river.
July – Our first visitor not related! Was great to see you again, Dave Harrell, twice in 1 year, woohoo! He came to visit on his way to visit his family. We look forward to more visits too!
We ordered and received our John Deere Riding Lawn Mower, so excited! All the neighbors have mowers or tractors. We had to fit in. Peter was able to ride the mower too!
Lisa’s Temp job at City of Pueblo comes to an end. On to look for the next job, but I did meet some new friends.
Jax and Sampson had their Vet check-ups to received our pet licenses and updated vaccinations. We found a Mobile Vet that comes to the house… this makes this so much easier…
August – Lisa takes a road trip to Oregon to meet our new puppy – Loaki. Loaki is a female German Shepherd just under a year. Thankfully, Torey was able to meetup with her at Portland Airport. Thank you also to sister Lizzie and Josh Hills for considering us for adoption of this sweet girl. We get to visit Lizzie and family, a long overdue gathering. Liz & Wes Hammond, Josh, Sammy, Ryan, Alexis and Makenzie was so great to see you all! Love and miss our family times together!! Loaki was a love that we had missed and so excited to receive. Our road trip continued back to Colorado… and Loaki was a great traveler too! She wasn’t sure she wanted to go with us but has accepted and loves us and we love her too!! Loaki had a well check-up when the vet came out for Jax and Sampson’s follow-up… she weighed 52 lbs but looks good. Let’s just put some healthy weight on her. Time to get my walking shoes on…
Also, along my road trip I was able to visit with friends and family: Kay McConagha in Utah and Jeanie Wilcox also in Utah. I also was able to tour The Scentsy Headquarters in Idaho, so exciting!

Along our drive back home, Torey and I were able to have breakfast with Jeanna and Bob Baker in Utah, thank you so much and was so great to see you!
Once we returned home, we were also able to have a get together at the house with Marian’s family before Torey went home too.
September – Peter is off to Denver for a Evisions’ event. We planned our bathroom remodel to happen the week Peter was in Denver. It took 4 days and is fantastic! No more gymnastic moves to get into the shower with a bum leg. Also had solar panels installed… still waiting for them to be turned on (bureaucratic red tape, unbelievable).
Marian’s Father-In-Law – John celebrated his 90th Birthday! Peter and I were very happy to join in the festivities.
October – Loaki turned 1 year old! She is growing and loves hanging out with Jax and Sampson. It took a while but all adjusted well, thankfully. She is smaller than the boys but she gives as good as she gets. With that said, I now feel that I can return to work. Now to find a job. A note on Halloween – we got zero people coming to the door begging for candy – we live in the perfect place.

November – Anyone looking to own your own acreage in Pueblo West, CO? It has a beautiful view of the city lights. We would love to have you as a Pueblo West neighbor. Maybe a friend discount deals on the land.
Thanks to Marian, Lorraine and Phyllis, I was invited to participate in Our Lady of Mt Carmel’s Craft Show and had my first Scentsy Event, Woohoo! A nice ice breaker… let me know if you are interested in having a Scentsy Party in person, on Facebook or even a book party – I am ready!
Thanksgiving was celebrated with Marian’s family. A great visit with family, great food and we are oh so grateful to be here.
Peter found a couple of doctors in the area that seem to want to get his leg fixed. The diagnoses from the docs in California were totally wrong – Kaiser, a random family doctor and several ortho guys. Peter’s hip is a disaster and needs to be replaced. The procedure will happen in the first quarter of 2025 or so. Hopefully, this addresses the issue with the leg.
Sending our thoughts and prayers to my Uncle Edward Razo and his family in Kentucky. Due to health and diabetes complications, he was recently hospitalized. We understand he is now on the road to recovery and will return home soon. We love and miss you always Tio!
December – As this busy year comes to an end, we look forward to Torey coming to visit to kick off the New Year. We also look forward to a calmer 2025.
We were so thankful for all those we were able to visit with in 2024. Also hope you will come by to visit if you are in the Colorado area, we would love to see you all.
We send out our Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year wishes to you all!

Hugs and love always from the Wilbur Family!
Lisa, Peter, Jax, Sampson and Loaki Wilbur

Addresss: 1044 E Burns Dr., Pueblo West, CO 81007
Peter – 928-699-6157 Email – [email protected]
Lisa – 714-514-0297 Email – [email protected] – Facebook & Instagram

Happy Scentsy shopping!
Lisa P. Wilbur
Cell/Text ~ 714-514-0297
Email ~ [email protected]